An Empowering Approach to Financial Stability

Financial education empowers people with the know-how, resources, and motivational support to make the most of their money. The Financial Coaching Corps program comprises a rigorous training program for older adult volunteers (aged 55 and up) who work at community-based agencies to support the financial stability of low-income clients.  Through one-on-one sessions, the financial coaches provide tools and skills that build clients’ confidence in money management. 

Want to meet with a Financial Coach?

CSS Financial Coaches work 1-on-1 with adults to help them overcome financial difficulties and develop positive financial skills. FCC coaches can assist clients in the following areas: budgeting and money management, debt reduction strategies, accessing formal banking services, credit scores and credit reports, and long term savings goals.

FCC coaches can be reached through our helpline at 212-614-5586. Leave a voice message with your name and phone number and a coach will return your call within 2 business days to schedule an appointment. Questions can be directed towards Rohan Jaffrey at [email protected].

You can also fill out our financial coaching interest form to be contacted directly by our financial coaches

Become a Financial Coach

The Financial Coaching Corps volunteers assist hundreds of clients each year, of which, most are facing a financial problem or crisis due to lack of income—more than half of our clients have an annual income below $25,000, and many are unemployed. Volunteer coaches work one-on-one with clients to help them overcome financial difficulties and develop positive financial skills, including:

  • Improving credit by obtaining, reviewing and repairing credit reports;
  • Using formal banking services and avoiding fringe services;
  • Reducing debt by developing a debt management plan;
  • Creating and using budgets to manage finances;
  • Increasing savings to build assets.

Interested volunteers who are at least 55 years old are encouraged to submit an online application.  If selected for the program, individuals must successfully complete the training and pass an open book exam. See our volunteer description for more information, or download our FCC fact sheet (PDF).


Build Your Program’s Capacity—Partner with the Financial Coaching Corps

Our highly-trained Financial Coaches work on-site at community-based organizations throughout New York City for a minimum of one day per week.  If your organization serves low-income adults or youth, contact us to learn more about how we can help your clients increase their financial security and pave the way to a better future. 

Interested agencies can also review our site requirements here.


Financial Coaching Corps Site Requirements

Agencies interested in hosting a volunteer financial coach at their site must agree to the following site requirements to establish an FCC project:

1. Supervision for the volunteer(s) - a professional will be assigned to supervise the FCC volunteer(s).  Responsibilities include:

  • Develop an effective client referral system
  • Market the program within the agency
  • Coordinate the volunteers’ schedules
  • Supervise the volunteers

2. Space - provide a desk, computer, filing space, phone, and other materials necessary for the volunteers to do their work on site. If the volunteers are performing their work from remote locations, volunteers will provide their own computer, printer, phone, and any other materials necessary to complete their work. 

3. Record Keeping - responsible for submitting the FCC volunteer attendance through an online database. An email reminder will be sent each month to the site supervisor who should report the attendance by the 10th of the following month.

4. Client files belong to the partner agency and stay onsite. If the volunteers are working remotely, the agency needs to establish client confidentiality protocols. If the FCC Project ceases to operate at the site, the agency should properly dispose of client file materials in a manner that will preserve confidentiality.

Contact us to find out more about hosting a volunteer financial coach at your agency today.